I pray that we've taken the opportunity this year to grow into more of the kind of person that the Lord would have us be. We're not promised tomorrow, you know, so we need to be doing our best to wisely use the time that we know we have.
So, here are some things that I have become more keenly aware of recently, some things that I have come to greatly appreciate.
O Lord, I thank thee...
- for not only surviving but thriving to the "empty nest" phase with the love of my youth and for his willingness to lead our family by example. Actions speak so much louder than words. He's a keeper, for sure. - for my oldest who has kept on despite history and the odds.
- for those young men and women at KSR who continue to rise to the occasion as they're given opportunity. You're growing and you amaze me!
- for those not-so-young men and women at KSR who continue to work toward the goal even though their bodies are frail and weary at times. You encourage me to want to do better.
- for new found friends and old faithfuls.
- for being patient with me.
- for a young man's willingness to meet us on a stormy nite at an Interstate exit with a 5 gallon can of gasoline. I have no doubt that you were truly a God-send.
- for my children who understand what loving family is all about. You went far above and beyond...
- for increasing my trust and helping me understand, really understand that You are faithful.
- for my family in Christ who has exemplified love. Where would we have been without you?
- for my child who has walked a path that few her age will ever walk with grace and a stronger dependence on You. With Your guidance, she continues to put one foot in front of the other.
- for the passing of time, because it helps.
- to have known a sweet, smiling, gentle, young man named Marcus. What a joy!
- for loving me so much.
My cup runs over Lord.