Welcome to My World

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Our world took on a smiley face.

     Hey ya'll! It's been a while, I know, and I'm a little bit late with our latest news.  Things have been kind of hectic around here!  Our world took on a smiley face on March 25 when Jarred McCrary asked our Katie to be his wife. Their wedding is planned for June 28...yes, I said June 28. And yes, that's only 3 months! So, we had to kick it into high gear really fast!

I've had so many sweet friends let me know that they will gladly help in any way.  Thanks ya'll!  I've already called on some of you and will definitely be asking for some more help...so much to do!

Anyway, we're terribly excited for them and thank God for his loving-kindness and care.

Here's a peak at some of Katie and Jarred's engagement photo session.  The photographer is Cindy Shaver Photography of Huntsville, AL.   Yes, she's awesome!

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