Welcome to My World

Monday, July 1, 2013

It gives me great pleasure...

The long weekend has been full of emotions only matched by the continual realization of the awesomeness of our great God and thankfulness for His love, His goodness and His mercy. As a dear friend said, Tim and I joined a somewhat odd club giving away a daughter this weekend...a perfectly good daughter at that! We not only gave her away but had clothed and fed her for years, had her formally educated and actually paid to hand her over to a young man with no exchange of funds! And we are so grateful for every step of that process.

Tim and I were somewhat teary, off and on. To those of you who know us, not a big surprise, huh? Not tears in a sad way though but I think it's just difficult not to be. I told someone that the emotion level is so high from every corner. They come like waves of the ocean that overwhelm at times causing our hearts to almost burst wide open with happiness. At the same time, they cause us to think about the seriousness of what is about to happen as well as relive in our minds the past years that have led up to this point in life. Yes, overwhelming is an accurate way to describe it.

The day was practically perfect in every way. The rains did come but the staff at Mt. View Gardens and Ballroom were incredibly accommodative, drying off 200 chairs after it rained 30 min. or so before time for the ceremony to begin.  The wedding party came in, many of the girls having been friends their entire life.

Tim walked KT in ...the last time he would be holding her arm as Katie Smith and gave her
hand to Jarred, the one who has promised to love and protect her, as Christ does His church. If you've been there, you know how that feels.  If you've not, there's no describing it.

Promises were exchanged and  "I Dos" were said with emotion-filled voices and love-filled hearts.

Even though my friend has a valid point in our being members of a somewhat odd club now, I like to think of our role in the event as one of support, not one of giving away.  In my mind, it's easier that way. As a matter of fact, Elijah Aaron, the minister, asked, "Who supports the marriage of these two?"

On June 28, 2013,  Katie and Jarred recognized and celebrated the promises that they had already made to each other. They did that in front of many people who love them.  Tim  and I are so thankful to our family and friends who shared it all with us and to our God. I am confident that it is because of Him that they are where they are this day and am also sure that He smiled on it all.

So, without further delay, let me proudly introduce to you, Mr. And Mrs. Jarred McCrary!


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