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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Make me to know thy way...

We regularly sing a song at church. The lyrics of one of the verses goes...

Because I trust in thee, O cause thou me to hear
They loving-kindness free when morning doth appear
Make me to know thy way wherein my path should be
Because my soul each day do I lift up to thee
I close my eyes I see His majesty
I close my eyes and feel His love for me.

The song talks about our need to listen to God in order to understand what He would have us do. The third line, "Make me to know thy way wherein my path should be" caused me to think about some things.

Can I honestly say that I want to know what God thinks my path should be?  Or am I just looking for a God who makes me feel good... One that sees to it that I never have a bad hair day, that I usually get the best parking space, and that nothing bad ever happens to me or those I love while the rest of the time basically leaves me alone. Is that how I see God?

We live in a time where we can been made to feel unloving if we venture to say that something is not as God would have it be. To many, the umbrella that covers it all is love. Many have the mindset that a loving God doesn't condemn, doesn't judge, doesn't say anything to cause another to feel uncomfortable.

It is true that I don't want to be offensive in what I say. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Those traits in our lives can run people off from us and the very thing we're trying to teach them. But while those can all be admirable goals to strive for, it may have reached the point where we are taking it to the extreme. We no longer consider what God has to say about matters in general unless it fits into the kind of God that we want to have. We want a loving, caring, feel-good God who turns a blind eye to whatever we choose to participate in.  We want to make it okay for folks to live however and be whatever.

Let's think about this for just a minute.  If I have a problem with lying, my believing that lying isn't wrong doesn't make that true. It still is considered a sin by the Creator.  It still is an act that needs to be turned away from. The Creator has the right to set the rules for His creation. That doesn't make me a terrible person for lying, that makes me human. But upon learning that, it should cause me to do my best to turn away from that, if I want to please God. That is a distinguishing characteristic of one who is a child of God. When I know better, I do better.

 Yes, God is a loving God. His love for us is hard to comprehend. Just stop for a minute and recall his ultimate act of love.  It is unimaginable! But that same loving God is holy and he tells us to be holy so we can have a relationship with Him.  You see a holy God and sin just don't mix. To believe otherwise is only believing a lie.

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